A sense of BELONGING
A sense of INFLUENCE
Every day after school, kids fill our Clubhouse to do their homework, play in the Games Room and shoot baskets. But more than that, our members are learning to be musicians and authors. They are developing leadership skills and finding ways to give back to their community. Most importantly, they are having fun in a positive environment. Supported by qualified staff members who complete annual training requirements, our members grow up with a variety of proven after-school programs, in the following core areas:
Character and Leadership Development:
Helping youth become responsible, caring citizens while acquiring skills for participating in the democratic process. These programs also help develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community, and celebrating our national heritage.
Education and Career Development:
These programs help youth create aspirations for the future, providing opportunities for career exploration and educational enhancement. Our aim is to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for a post-secondary education and a 21st-century career.
Health and Life Skills:
These initiatives develop young people's capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults.
The Arts:
Programs in this core area enable youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts and creative writing.
Sports, Fitness, and Recreation:
These Club programs help develop fitness, a positive use of leisure time, reduction of stress, appreciation for the environment and social and interpersonal skills.
All programs are designed to drive positive outcomes and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.
It also incorporates high yield learning activities (HYLA), targeted programs and regular attendance.